domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011


• She knows she will always be an eternal apprentice.

• The cult of the body can never exceed the cult of the soul, but care must be taken.

• She knows that the true richness and beauty of the human being resides in its interior.

• Selfishness, greed, slander and lies are not part of their vocabulary.

• You can recognize its flaws and talents.

• Knows how to say and find what she wants without trying to step on others to do so.

• Is about the dance as a form of enlightenment and contact with the divine.

• It’s about a deep knowledge.

• Fame is an illusion.

• She does not judge the performance of other dancers, instead gives them their best advice to be overcome and get the best of themselves, even when she barely knows them.

• She is humble enough to recognize its limitations and challenges.

• She teaches love and dedication.

• Doesn’t hide any knowledge or thought just to be better than anyone.

• Knows how to assess the contribution,
support and the varied opinions of others with respect.

• She sees herself reflected in all who practice the dance as if we were all one universe.

• She knows the benefits of a dance curriculum and
continuing education can do.

• She always has appetite for knowledge, not only in their field, but also in all areas that help you grow as a woman, as an educator, professional and human being.  
• Money and success are the consequences, the reward; not the reason.

• She enjoys the accomplishments of others at heart, whether students or acquaintances, and feel them with genuine joy.

• Her biggest challenge is to teach students to be better than her, since in this beautiful way, students will never be her competition, but her pride. 


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